Marble Hill House

The year 1729 was relatively uneventful. All that Wikipedia can come up with that piqued my interest is this rather charming story.

Prenez Garde

Primo Levi’s account of the year (1944/45) he was at Auschwitz was published in Britain in 1947 as If This is a Man. I can say no more – I haven’t read it but it is on order.

Reading Maketh a Full Man

These authors have recently been introduced to me. I have read the first in the Erast Fandorin and David Audley series and have all the James Marwood historical thrillers ahead of me.

I Did It Steinway

At the end of last month I missed one of the best proms this year: Yunchan Lim playing Beethoven, Bruckner and Tüür.

A Little Night Music

Yesterday evening I sat under a London plane in Kensington Gardens near the Albert Memorial for a picnic.

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