Celia and Mamaine

Those of us who don’t write should be aware of the painstaking labour undertaken by successful writers.

Categorised as Literature

Banana Mess

Biosecurity poses a significant risk across the globe. In the UK diseases threaten humans, animals, birds and flora. There are precautions in place to mitigate the ones we know about.

Pyramus and Thisbe

These are the first books written by Nina Willner and Terry Hayes: Forty Autumns published in 2016 and I Am Pilgrim in 2012.

Concordia, Industria, Integritas

I have been a long term investor in RIT (RIT Capital Partners). I bought the shares long ago in an ISA and didn’t record the price but it was around £8.00. Subsequently I have bought more. Today, or rather yesterday, it is £18.68.

Categorised as Business

The Elphi

I went to visit sugar and oil traders in Hamburg a few times over the years, unfortunately before the Elphi opened in 2017.

Between the Sheets

I feel rather guilty when I finish an enjoyable, lightweight thriller. I ought to have been reading something more improving.

1988 and All That

I don’t hoard, there isn’t room for that indulgence in a small late Victorian terraced house; so it is giving me immense pleasure to read a copy of The Spectator dated 27 February 1988.