Prenez Garde

When R, like Christopher Robin, kneels by his bed to say his prayers he always includes “Dear Lord, may I never buy an investment trust at a premium”.

Categorised as Business

Macready’s Club

“The men-only Garrick Club has finally voted to allow women to become members, 193 years after the London institution first opened its doors. The vote was passed with 59.98% of votes in favour at the end of a private meeting where several hundred members spent two hours debating whether to permit women to join .… Continue reading Macready’s Club

Categorised as Literature


  Pamela (Samuel Richardson, 1740) was a best seller and an early English novel. I have not read it. Nor have I read Shamela, Henry Fielding’s satire on same; he rushed it out in 1741. Both authors have gone out of fashion, fortunately for Hugo Vickers, as a request for Clarissa today is more likely… Continue reading Clarissa


This morning in The Times I read an article “Can dogs really be taught to speak”? It reminded me of Saki’s story, Tobermory.

Categorised as Literature

Canary Tweets

Guess how many islands belong to Spain. Now check on Wikipedia – there are 179 – but some are tiny.

The Producers

I remember seeing the great Mel Brooks/Gene Wilder combo in The Producers (1967), Blazing Saddles (1974) and Young Frankenstein (1974) but I never clocked that The Producers was made into a musical in 2001.

Farewell, Prime Minister

Foreign Office mandarins today must be highly pleased with events. Ambiguity is often their preferred avenue and this week the Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, has been in China on a mission to encourage closer economic ties. Tomorrow Tom Tugendhat, no friend of China, arrives in Taiwan to demonstrate the UK’s commitment there.


I have almost finished the biography of Churchill by Roy Jenkins. In a way I wish it were shorter, in a way I find it engrossing and in another way I find it induces post-prandial somnolence.

La Dame aux Camélias

I saw a camellia in bud at Chiswick House today and thought of Violetta, Verdi and La traviata.

Categorised as Local, Nature