You wouldn’t give Staveley Road a second glance as you drive past along Great Chertsey Road towards the M3, although it looks a lot like Stella Street. (It is adjacent to Chiswick House.) I walked along it to look for two things and found three.
If you are Dr Laura Snook please put the ‘phone back on the hook and desist from calling your libel lawyer. You have inspired today’s post but I have no reason to suppose that you are anything but a rather distinguished classicist. Tomb Raider? Certainly not.
When I arrived at Garrhan in the Tarn on Friday evening I was first greeted by Reggie. We performed a ritual that was already established in the 6th century BC.
This is Mr Darke sees the Light by Stephen Angel. It cost £945 when I saw it in a gallery in Bath in the 1980s, making it one of the most expensive pictures I have bought, so it’s lucky I like it.
A comment yesterday drawing attention to the exoticism of the coats of arms of many African countries reminds me of an esoteric volume held by The College Of Arms.
I went to Buckingham Palace yesterday to watch the centennial RAF flypast and thought I’d do something I’ve never done – watch the Royal Family making a balcony appearance.
It was only towards the end of June that I wrote about Frank Gardner’s memoir, Blood & Sand. I may have omitted to mention that I was given three of Frank Gardner’s books for my birthday this year.
On Friday morning I left home at 7.15, exactly the time I used to leave to trudge into my office. I had a much more enticing destination: the Ancient World Breakfast Club.