Cross Words

“Man chasing solution, endlessly in bind, shows spirit (5, 2, 6).” Times Crossword 27,831.

Loose Ends

I hate to write “unique” but Herald Investment Trust qualifies.

Hark the Herald

I have recently executed a Lasting Power of Attorney and chosen three attorneys. One of them is very indecisive.

Categorised as Business

Stay Safe

A Close Friend (CF) recently took a walk with An Acquaintance (AA) of mine in the bracing fresh air of the south west of England. AA confided that she has fired her broker and now makes her own investment decisions guided by the recommendations she reads here. Oh dear!

Categorised as Business

Claim Your Rights

The Quincunx, in the best traditions of the great Victorian novel, is a page-turner. Charles Palliser should have issued it in instalments and I for sure would have been drooling in anticipationlike Bertie waiting for dinner. Apparently on the east coast of America they were looking out for the ship bringing the next addictive shot of… Continue reading Claim Your Rights

Categorised as Business

Playing Footsie

If I had a thousand bucks for every time I have been told or, more usually, read that stock-picking is a mugs’ game and a low cost tracker fund will, in the long run outperform stock picking.

This Is No Ordinary Time

“We cannot tell from day to day what may come. This is no ordinary time. No time for weighing anything except what we can do best for the country as a whole, and that responsibility rests on each and every one of us as individuals.”

Any Other Business

Only an experienced investor who has been trading for fifty-one years could lose almost half their capital in ten days. That’s what I have done and my friends who mistakenly look upon me as a financial guru should take note.


The falcon chick born aloft Charing Cross Hospital is showing no signs of leaving his parents. As a single male he may never leave and in a few years may mate with his mother. He’s called Jack but Oedipus might be more apt.

Bottom Picking

You will know young captive birds kept in a confined space peck the less fit chicks in their bums. Why? I don’t know but I guess there is an innate instinct to bully and the blood is tasty?

Categorised as Business