Local News

Two years ago the NHS Trust that runs Charing Cross Hospital put forward a plan to re-build it. Work was intended to start this year and be completed by 2021.

Private Insight

My broker periodically sends me a glossy magazine, Private Insight. Hitherto it has been reliably dull, dwelling on the need to contribute to a pension scheme, plan for Inheritance Tax and so on.

Categorised as Business

Dread Chaos and Eternal Night

Disruption is a word that only has negative connotations for me and I  expect digital disruption to be the prelude to war. Apparently now it means improvement. I snapped the sign above in Victoria this month.

Business News

When I last wrote about the markets it was to warn of impending doom and to mock that eternal optimist, Ken Fisher. Well, so far, Ken is on the right side of history.

Categorised as Business

Bang Bang

There are two things that stop me blowing my brains out: I gave my godson my gun and I’m so curious to know what happens next in the great page-turner which is the book of life.


This is a whooping crane. I doubt you have seen one in the wild although there are plenty of grey cranes around.

Palm Oil

This is what WWF says: Palm oil is the most widely consumed vegetable oil on the planet, and it is in about half of all packaged products sold in the supermarket. While palm oil is the most efficient source of vegetable oil, its rapid expansion threatens some of the planet’s most important and sensitive habitats. 

Hogarth Memorial

The stock market has been more resilient than I expected. As a result my somewhat defensive stance is underperforming but I intend to stick to my guns, or rather remain in my bunker. I haven’t traded since July.

News from Home & Abroad

Tuesday morning was deliciously quiet. Why, as I get deafer, should I notice and bask in quietness? Perhaps I should move to the country?

Labourers in the Vineyard

The parable of the labourers in the vineyard (Matthew 20 v 1-16) seems to have relevance today. Without wanting to sound a sanctimonious prig (while doing so), when I laboured in the City I tried to do what was morally right. Additionally I tried not to mind what my colleagues were paid. I was only… Continue reading Labourers in the Vineyard