13 Across

I write these posts for fun. Only a few, but you are a cherished few, read them. When there are comments I’m delighted  – they are usually much brainier than my post .  So what could possibly go wrong?

Categorised as Business

Oil and Gas

I hold a few shares in an oil exploration and production company operating in Latin America. It puzzled me why the region is known as Latin America.

Categorised as Business

The Crunch

The phoney war’s almost over, in a few days we will face the crunch. I am realistic about the complexity and pessimistic about the effect of the UK’s departure from the EU.

Scam Time

I hope you won’t mind if I share some scams with you. If you haven’t come across them it may save you embarrassment and dosh.

Categorised as Business

Other Men’s Flowers

There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.

Mr Boddy’s Rag-Bag

  No doubt about it, going to Eton makes you grow up fast. Aged thirteen you choose what newspapers and magazines you want delivered, open a bank or, in my case, a Post Office account and pick a tailor.

Categorised as Business

Right or Wrong?

Do you have a moral compass? If so, who set it? Is it an innate wish to do the right thing or was it imbued in childhood? We know the answer.


For about seven years in the early 1990s I was a Name at Lloyd’s. It conferred privileges and obligations. Among the former, being able to use the Members’ Writing Room to sleep in at lunchtime. A tedious obligation was to write a cheque annually in my first few years to pay my losses.

Categorised as Business

Investment Themes

I have been reflecting on my criteria for investing my savings and how they have changed over the years. To begin with I was a pure stock picker, choosing companies on the advice of friends, relations and a stockbroker. I then had a eureka moment when I realised that it would be more rational to… Continue reading Investment Themes

Categorised as Business