Keep the Home Fires Burning

I love writing about stocks and shares when they are going up. Today I’m biting the bullet. I want to see how my two favourite safety plays are faring in today’s challenging conditions.

Categorised as Business


Patrick, Sir Patrick, Leigh Fermor is a much admired 20th century literary idol.

Downton Abbey

I doubt I will ever read Moby Dick and I never thought I’d watch Downton Abbey. Now I’m hooked on the latter.

Robbing Hood

I wonder if you own shares in this company? You probably do in a fund or pension.

Categorised as Business

A Dog’s Life

Things are quite a bit better in the Bertie department. The cyst on his kidney is benign and he seems to have SLE but his organs have not been affected. His treatment (steroids) started yesterday afternoon.

A Dog’s Dinner

Bertie is off-colour. He had a sore paw and then caught kennel cough in the vets’ waiting room.