Crisp Road

Crisp Road runs parallel to the river on the north side, one block away, on the site of the original Brandenburgh House.

Brandenburgh House

Brandenburgh House is on the west side of Fulham Palace Road, opposite Charing Cross Hospital.

Categorised as History, Local

The Eagle Squadrons

Charles Ritchie mentions that the railings surrounding Berkeley Square have been removed in the war. He correctly guesses the square will not return to being a private garden.

Local Heroine

A first floor flat at 4 Glazbury Road was sold for £760,000 in 2018. Mr and Mrs S Pilling, who lived there when it was a house more than a century ago would be surprised.

You Must Be Joking

If you are reading this you shouldn’t. You should go to YouTube and search for You Must Be Joking (b&w, 1965, Michael Winner).

Ukrainian Themes

There was serendipity reading War with Russia yesterday morning whilst listening to Rhapsody on Ukrainian Themes by Sergei Lyapunov on BBC Radio 3.

War Games

Perhaps an antagonistic bull would buy this paperback if he were a bull in an airport bookshop. The publisher (Coronet) has packaged it to make it as unappealing as possible to a thoughtful reader.

Afghan Wars

Two Afghan wars in the 19th century are often quoted as a warning the Russians, then the US, UK and their allies and now perhaps China should have heeded.