Forty years ago every second hand bookshop was stuffed with copies of Osbert Sitwell’s four volume autobiography; handsome, salmon hardbacks with sun-faded spines published by Macmillan. They were not expensive then, nor are they now.
Category: History
Wrest in Peace
Wrest Park belonged to the de Grey family until it was sold in 1917. They were made Earls of Kent in the reign of Edward IV and then the 12th Earl was created Duke of Kent in 1710. Confusingly he was also Lord Lucas. However, there was no heir to the Dukedom and Wrest was… Continue reading Wrest in Peace
Look at Glaxo
Henry Percy-Pole
Outside Masterpiece 2018 yesterday I met Henry M Percy-Pole whose exceptional life story and achievements I will relate to you (in his own words) today. Of course younger sons carry a bit of a chip and like to feel that they are nearly as good as their brothers but Henry’s treatment as an eldest son… Continue reading Henry Percy-Pole