Freedom Day

Yesterday was “Freedom Day” in England. (They do it differently in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland so their administrations can feel free.)

June Gleanings

I find it some consolation that whatever indignities the Catholic Church has suffered in recent years, it retains its pre-eminence in the art of casuistry. (Letter in The Times from Sir Richard Stagg about the Prime Minister’s marriage at Westminster Cathedral) 10th September 2012. The idea of His Blondness with a finger on the nuclear button… Continue reading June Gleanings

Storm Bertie

  An eclectic list of storm names chosen by the UK Met Office, Met Éireann and KNMI (The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute). So here’s something that hasn’t been effed up by Brexit. 

Categorised as Politics

Living on the Edge

Proposals to change the boundaries for parliamentary constituencies were made in 2013. They were not acted on.

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Sasha’s Diary

Politics runs through Sasha Swire’s veins. Her father is Sir John Nott, Minister of Defence during the Falklands war, and her husband is Sir Hugo Swire, Conservative MP and Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, as it then was.


I was flattered to be asked this morning to be Company Secretary of a newly formed, not for profit, UK company.


The State Opening of Parliament today was scaled back because of Covid. Her Majesty as ever was a class-act; an old trouper at a familiar gig – her 67th performance.

Categorised as Politics


“A 2 storey house of mid-c19 appearance. 7 bay front with die; keystones over windows; balustraded enclosed porch.” (Burke’s Guide to Country Houses, Mark Bence-Jones)