Slightly Bonkers

I try to avoid truisms but we are living through uncertain times not seen since 1940 when, instead of leaving the EU, it looked likely to come to us.

In Pursuit of Rare Meats

I’m sorry, I just cannot approve of an expedition in pursuit of rare meats and I hope few people want to see rare mammals killed. It’s pursuing animals to extinction.

Hares and Rabbits

Pinch and a punch, it’s the first of the month. Wake up when Farming Today is on. That means before 6.00.

Cross Words

“Man chasing solution, endlessly in bind, shows spirit (5, 2, 6).” Times Crossword 27,831.

The Auld Sod

The Oldie has an excellent column: Not Many Dead (Important Stories You May Have Missed). The December issue, beats me why it’s published in November unless it’s so subscribers in far-flung outposts receive a copy in a sweaty, cleft stick in time for Christmas, has two submissions.

Categorised as Politics

Strangers on a Train

It is April 2015, so pre-blog, I take a train to Berwick-on-Tweed to meet friends who have driven from East Anglia. So you are in the picture, as the army is fond of saying, we plan to walk down the coast to Alnwick.

Living in a Bubble

My bubble is very comfy. Robert and I have not lost our jobs because we didn’t have any and our income has not been reduced. Most people are not so fortunate.

Categorised as Politics

Early Voting

“Vote early, vote often” is ascribed to corrupt elections in Chicago. In the UK the only way to vote early is by using a postal vote, a privilege much abused by Matron in old folks’ homes.

Categorised as Politics

Eton Fives

My Jameson grandmother hoped that I would become a sportsman like her brother, Tommy Jameson. She gave me a Squash racquet and Fives gloves but, until I discovered Backgammon, competitive sports were not my forte – probably because I was always the loser.