This is what came through my letter box. “No cuts, no closures, no privatisation.” What are these ninnies on about?
Category: Politics
Welcome, Mr President
The Heart of the Matter
Taking a Long View
Cold War Curtain-Raiser
Suez and Brexit; Keep the Aspidistra Flying
As the Suez Crisis unfolded, as with the war we waged in Iraq, it became clear that there had been a pretty big bish. International opinion consigned Britain and France to the dog house; petrol was rationed; the Prime Minister went to recuperate at Goldeneye (Ian Fleming’s house in Jamaica). George Lyttleton expressed his feelings… Continue reading Suez and Brexit; Keep the Aspidistra Flying
A to Z
St Yeghichè and St Cyprian
In a dictatorship when said dictator wants to impose his will he issues a Presidential Decree and at a stroke the dictator’s whim is law. In the UK there are democratic elections and two chambers in parliament to debate and scrutinise legislation. That is unless something is too trivial to detain our politicians, such… Continue reading St Yeghichè and St Cyprian