Gilts and Consols

I’d never heard of Liability-driven Investing (LDI) until it drove Defined Benefit (DB) pensions in the UK to the brink of insolvency.

Brazil Nuts

Next year I hope to go on another election mission as an observer. This year, last Sunday, an election came to me.

Categorised as Politics

The Game is Afoot

“Yesterday evening the MCC announced that a new consultation process will take place between the MCC and its members regarding the future of the Eton v Harrow match at Lord’s and that, given this process will take some time, the schools will be invited to play at Lord’s again in 2023.” (Old Etonian Association)

Categorised as Politics

Numquam Censuit Boris

You don’t have to be Mary Beard to know this means “I never voted for Boris”. Latin is a neat language – concise.

Categorised as Politics


  Type into Google “dissolution of the” and there are two choices: monasteries and Soviet Union.