John Lodge’s information seems to come primarily from Wills and Court proceedings. I will spare you all the details and provide a few of the more interesting extracts.
”Sir John Bellew of Bellewstown and Duleeke, Knt, the eldest Son, 16 November 1543 had a Livery of his Inheritance granted, as Son and Heir of Christopher Bellew by Catharine Fleming his Widow, for the Fine of 13L 6s 8d immediate Payment, and the like Sum to be paid at the Feasts of the Purification next ensuing the Nativity of St John Baptist, and the Purification in 1544, with a Pardon for all Intrusions and Alienation’s.”
A Fine is not what it is today. It is a fee for the inheritance being recognised, a sweetener, if you will. The original meaning is still in use by City Livery Companies where the entrance fee is still called a Fine.
”Sir John Bellew of Bellewstown, 13 April 1563 was appointed a Commissioner for the Preservation of the Peace, and good Government of the County of the Town of Drogheda, and County of Louth, during the Absence of the Ld Sussex, in his Expedition against Shane O Neil, in the North Parts of the Kingdom. He was seized of the Manors of Bellewstown, and Duleek, with many other Lands and Hereditaments in the County of Meath, which by Recovery, and other valuable Assurances in the Law, were conveyed to the Use of himself, and his Wife Dame Jenete Sarsfield, for Life; and after, to the Use of him and his Heirs … “
There follows another Will, dated 30 October 1598, with long clauses.
” … and as often as the said Christopher, John, etc, or any in Remainder, as aforesaid is set down, shall, or do imagine, practise, compass, assent, go about, conclude, determine, commit, deal, or execute, any Treason whatsoever, that from the Feast of St Michael the Archangel next before the said Treason imagined, compassed, or purposed, the Interest of the Person, and of the Heirs Male of his, or their Bodies; and whatsoever other Estate he has, so imagining, etc, any such Treason in the Premisses, and every Part thereof, to him, or them, by this my Will demised, shall cease, determine, be frustrate and void; and the same shall remain and continue from the Feast of St Michael aforesaid, to him next in Remainder, that is free from any such Imagination, and Purpose to commit Treason … “
So don’t even think about committing treason. Another Will is more practical.
” Sir John Bellew of Bellewstown … making his Will at Castletown 11 December 1626 orders his Body to be buried in the Parish Church of St Kevin of Duleeke, in the burial place of his ancestors, in the Chapel, called Chapel-Bellew. He leaves 100L for his Soul to be prayed for; 100L to discharge all his Debts; 60L to defray the Expences of his Funeral; and leaves the Charges of his Month’s Mind and twelve Month’s Mind, to be defrayed out of his Goods in Castletown. He bequeaths to his Son-in-Law Hugh Magenis, his best Horse, with his best Furniture, his Petrenell and Horseman’s Staff, and 3L to make him a Ring, where on should be engraved Bellew’s and Barnewell’s Arms. To his Daughter Mary, the same Sum, to make her a like Ring. To his Son and Heir Christopher, his Bason and Ewer, two silver Potts, his best Salte, a Jug, a Wine Cup, an Aquavitae Cup, and three of his best Spoons … “
It appears his son-in-law is the sportsman – a petrenell is a firearm of large calibre used in the 16th and early 17th centuries – and his son a bon vivant. What does Zabadak mean?
Hi I’m still looking into lord John Bellew
1702 -1780
It is thought he had an illegitimate son with Mary maxwell 1747/48
Does anyone know anything about him
Maybe he left something in his will to him
Any help would be greatly appreciated
John, 4th Baron Bellew, (1702 – 1770) married Anne Maxwell by whom he had a son, Edward, who died in infancy. She and Edward both died in 1735. He married twice more but had no surviving male issue and the title became extinct. You should certainly read his Will in case there is a clue to an illegitimate son.
Thank you it is stated in the maxwell book that he possibly had an illegitimate son with his niece Mary maxwell who died in childbirth
I’m desperately trying to find a primary source for this
Not sure how to find his will any help would be great
Where there’s a Will there’s a way. If you cannot find the Will yourself I suggest you employ a trusted genealogist. Perhaps contact an officer at the College of Arms. I’m fascinated by the maxwell book, by the way, and what lies therein.
Thank you
Unfortunately I don’t have the funds to employ a genealogist
But I will keep looking