Tower of Strength

In the red corner President Trump stands 6 feet 3 inches. In the blue corner President Zelensky is 5 feet 7 inches.

Categorised as Politics

High Endeavours

About thirty yers ago I was shooting in Hampshire and met Miles Clark. Having established that we were both brought up in Ireland, albeit on different sides of the border, he told me rather diffidently about his passion for sailing and only later I discovered he had written High Endeavours. Miles Smeeton was his godfather… Continue reading High Endeavours

That’s Life

The majestic machinery of democracy is in motion down my way. I know not why. The worthy incumbent has simply and inexplicably stopped incumbing. He or her sharp acuity will be sorely missed in the excitement of the cut and thrust of debate in my local chamber pot of democracy. Here are the runners.

Categorised as Politics

The Sirs Have It

Hugh Laurie, Sir Edward Cazalet and Sir Stephen Fry by the Wodehouse memorial stone in Westminster Abbey on 14th February, the 50th anniversary of Wodehouse’s death.

Rare Breeds

Pig–Hoo-o-o-o-ey Last year in Wiltshire I met a Tamworth. This year at my club Tamworth sausages were on the menu. As you know, the best way to ensure the survival of a rare breed is to eat it.

Categorised as Local, Nature

Plum Podcasts

Fifty years ago today PG Wodehouse died in hospital in Long Island aged 93. The anniversary will not go unmarked.

The King’s Arms

On 26 May 1954, Queen Elizabeth II approved a new artistic depiction of the Royal Arms, above. Now the King has new, slightly different, Arms, below.