How do you feel about Jeremy Corbyn wanting to nationalise the railways? If you’re old enough to remember British Rail you’re probably close to apoplexy.
Since 1886 the Norwegian State Railway has been just that, a railway network owned by the government. It is well maintained, modern and punctual. It is hard to find a bad thing to say. The predominantly Second Class carriages are as spacious and comfortable as First Class in the UK. There is a high speed (130 mph) link from the centre of Oslo to the main airport 35 miles away. There are family carriages with a play room. There is free wi-fi. When I took a train into the mountains in the snow in mid-winter it operated as efficiently as on this summer visit. My only criticism is that the food offered on board is adequate but unimaginative. It compares unfavourably with the catering I have experienced in hotels and ships in the past week. Thrifty Norwegians probably take picnics.

So could a Labour government in 2020 create something similar? Yes, but only at an unacceptable price. There are too many competing calls on taxpayers money. The railway would have to take its place in the queue with the NHS, schools, armed forces, police, firemen, Uncle Tom Cobley and all. Jeremy, grow up and put that train set back in its box.
Here it is a lazy Sunday for me but M/S Richard With is a car ferry. In the three days we are on board it will have called at 15 ports to pick up and discharge passengers and cars. It is also a small cruise ship with entirely tourists on board. Life is comfortable; an outside cabin with a large window and a bathroom; excellent food; plenty of seating up on deck seven to look at the views through picture windows. Time slips past only too quickly.
Much of it is spent looking at the sea aimlessly, so it is rewarding when Robert spots minke whales about half a mile off the starboard side. There are two types; the Common and the Antarctic. I had difficulty earlier distinguishing a Hurricane from a Spitfire but this time I’m pretty confident.