Advent Calendar: 23rd December

23rd December 1661
“Early up and by coach (before daylight) to the Wardrobe, and took up Mr. Moore, and he and I to Chelsy to my Lord Privy Seal, and there sealed some things, he being to go out of town for all Christmas to-morrow. So back again to Westminster, and from thence by water to the Treasury Office, where I found Sir W. Pen paying off the Sophia and Griffen, and there I staid with him till noon, and having sent for some collar of beef and a mince pie, we eat and drank, and so I left him there and to my brother’s by appointment to meet Prior, but he came not, so I went and saw Mrs. Turner who continues weak, and by and by word was brought me that Prior’s man was come to Tom’s, and so I went and told out 128l. which I am to receive of him, but Prior not coming I went away and left the money by his desire with my brother all night, and they to come to me to-morrow morning. So I took coach, and lighting at my bookseller’s in Paul’s Churchyard, I met with Mr. Crumlum and the second master of Paul’s School, and thence I took them to the Starr, and there we sat and talked, and I had great pleasure in their company, and very glad I was of meeting him so accidentally, I having omitted too long to go to see him. Here in discourse of books I did offer to give the school what books he would choose of 5l. So we parted, and I home, and to Mr. Selden, and then to bed.” (Samuel Pepys)

23rd December 1941
“COS meeting mainly concerned with operation to capture Northern Madagascar to forestall any attempt on the part of the Japs, also discussion as to the advisability of USA force undertaking the capture of Atlantic Islands in the event of invasion of Spain and Portugal. After lunch Army Council meeting and selection board meeting. Then interview with General Gentilhomme who struck me as being a far better type than de Gaulle. Then Spanish Military Attaché and after that Brig for Middle East to interview. Then had to go to India Office to see Amery with reference to appointment of new commander for Burma and for selection of new Chief of Staff for Archie Wavell to replace Hutton, who is to be C-in-C Burma. Dined with Jimmy Harrison and his wife.” (Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke)

23rd December 1974
“Derek Hill tells me that when he asked Harold Acton how he liked the portrait he had painted of him. Harold replied: ‘I hate it, but it is very like me.’” (Kenneth Rose)

23rd December 1983
“Evening of the first day of the Christmas hols.
I don’t seem to have done anything except get rid of a lot cash filling all the cars with petrol. And cash is so scarce over Christmas. Again and again one goes down to the bank to draw, always the last cheque until the New Year.
At tea time I wanted pliers. I could not find pliers. Nowhere in this whole fucking place, with its seventeen outhouses, garages, sheds, eighteen vehicles. After stealing tool kits from every car I’ve sold on over the last twenty-five years – could I find pliers?
I was screaming frail. I ransacked the china room, where I kept my most precious things. My new red vintage tool locker was empty, except for a lot of useless stuff for an Austin Heavy Twenty. Why? I am surrounded by unreliables.
I’ve done practically no shopping. How could I? When? Yet tomorrow is Christmas Eve.
As for the Dept, I never want to go through its doors again. Total shit-heap, bored blue. Strained and befuddled by all the paper work. Fuck them.
Fortunately, I’m dining with Ian on Wednesday next. I hope he gives me a boost.” (Alan Clark)

23rd December 2005
“Prince Eddie tells me about the Royal Family Christmas lunch. ‘I was lucky enough to sit next to Camilla. She is one of the best things to have happened for years. I like her down-to-earth good sense, total lack of airs, warmth, friendliness and sense of humour. She told me she loves Birkhall more than anywhere (good girl), though is less keen on the Castle of Mey.” (Kenneth Rose)