Alert for Vexillophiles

“College of Arms flag-flying news

2024 UEFA European Football Championship:

On Sunday 14 July 2024, Departments of His Majesty’s Government are encouraged to fly an England flag – the Cross of St George – to celebrate the England Men’s Football Team reaching the final of Euro 2024, in addition to the Union flag. Where both flags are flown, the Union flag should be in the superior position.

Local authorities and other bodies and individuals are not bound by flag-flying instructions but may wish to follow them.

Enquiries regarding the correct protocols for the flying of Union and other flags should be addressed to the Officer in Waiting at the College of Arms in the first instance.“


  1. Welcome back. Flag-flying instructions always make me shudder. I was once seriously bollocked by the late Duke of Edinburgh for flying his Royal Standard at half-mast at Sandhurst. His demand for an explanation led me to suggest that it was ‘still on its way up’. This was not well received.

  2. I put would cheerfully put more flags to welcome your reappearance after a month and more. (I used to have a front garden flagpole to mark the big days of the late Queen and her consort, but my heart’s not in it now. ) I very much appreciate my discovery of Joshua Rozenberg’s daily blogs, but yours are somehow more directly pertinent to me, though we have never met except perhaps in a parallel universe where the synchrony of our overlapping reading lists are the cosmic glue. Over the top? Moi? Surely not.

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