Bedtime Story

More than fifty years ago I stayed in a B&B near Dingle.

Fortunately I noticed the sheets were nylon and asked for sheets made of natural fibre as I, not entirely truthfully, said I had a skin allergy. Amazingly nylon sheets are still sold so I suppose there must be buyers – probably ones who appreciate they are easy to wash, don’t need ironing and will not have to sleep in them.

Bertie is just as discriminating. He will not sleep in a bed covered in a polyester material, preferring a sofa or the floor.

I usually wear Oxford cotton shirts sold at Uniqlo in Kensington High Street for about £35. In hot weather linen is a better choice. A linen shirt used to be an expensive luxury – now it costs around £30. Shirts have got a lot cheaper. Not many things are cheaper in these inflationary times. I hope this is because the internet has made pricing more transparent and not because of exploitation of workers in developing countries.