Bertie Goes to School

Bertie, June 2020.

Bertie’s first school report is encouraging.

“Bertie is a typical beagle – smart, stubborn and a true scent/sight hound. He has a sweet nature, but does need to understand that he has to pay attention to you.

Most of the work is going to be down to you. It is really important to try to remember the three ‘Cs’ – calm, confident, consistent. I have no doubt that we can improve Bertie’s behaviour, but it will take some time and there will be occasions when you think he’s not making any progress.“

Many teachers would not provide such accurate insights into a human pupil. Bertie is taught by Ms E with Robert in attendance; of course really Robert is being taught. Then Robert tries to teach me and Bertie is blissfully out of this rather trying loop.

Meanwhile I’m busy doing plenty o’ nothing; others have been busier. My efficient, competent, friendly and inexpensive accountant has finalised my tax return. I made a small contribution to my charity account last year and she observes that it attracted tax relief at 88%; furthermore I need not pay any tax in July 2020 or January 2021. This is most satisfactory. I flirted with hiring an Independent Financial Adviser to audit my portfolio but decided his fees would outweigh the benefits.

When I was interviewed by him he asked me what I wanted money for. It got me thinking.

1. For financial security and to meet unknown expenses in the future.

2. To allow me to have more outgoings; perhaps a second home or more expensive holidays.

3. To give it away if I choose.

That’s all boring, so here’s some exciting news. I am going to have a haircut at Geo Trumper on 8th July. Locks away! Biggles.