Henry VIII and All That

Henry VIII is presenting the Barber-Surgeons’ Company Charter to their first Master, Thomas Vicary, superintendent of St Bartholomew’s Hospital and royal physician.

King Street

Where do you go to, my lovely readers? You frequent Mount Street when you put up at The Connaught, you saunter along Jermyn Street on the way to the London Library; perhaps you venture down the King’s Road en route to the Chelsea Physic Garden?

Two Clubs

Gentlemens’ clubs in London and around the world are often of great architectural distinction. It would be an agreeable task to visit them and write about their splendours.

When Bali Met Bertie

I took Bali along the towpath to Richmond yesterday morning while Robert kept an eye on Bertie. It was high tide so not much avian activity on the foreshore.

The Private Chapel of St James

It’s lunchtime on James Miller’s sculpture tour in Warwickshire and Northants. (Why do some English counties have an abbreviation and others don’t? It is not the case in Ireland.) Cars roll onto the greensward outside the Private Chapel of St James at Great Packington. Following instructions we park in a huge circle, car bonnets facing… Continue reading The Private Chapel of St James