Seeing Sculpture

On Saturday I went on an observation mission remarkably similar to an election observation mission. I deployed to my Area of Observation (Northamptonshire and Warwickshire) by train on Friday evening with my observation partner.

Hug a Tree

You cannot hug any old tree – it has to be this London Plane. Any questions?

A Tourist in Ternopil

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built 1749 – 1779 and, as you will see, exemplifies Ukrainean baroque.

St Mary Mags

GE Street was a prolific architect in the second half of the 19th century known mainly for his churches. He designed a church in Istanbul to commemorate the Crimean War, some in Ireland and many in England.

The Durbar Court

On Monday morning I had to sing for my supper at the Foreign Office. The FCO fund election observation missions and want to know how their money has been spent, what we did and what impact it has.

Fitzrovia Chapel

Yesterday I went with The Friends of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens to the Fitzrovia Chapel. Above, is what it looked like when the Middlesex Hospital was demolished;  rather forlorn.

Culture in Chisinau

I bet you are bored with Election Observation protocol, so I will reward your patience with what really happens in the field.

Javea Architecture

On the skyline, inland from the lighthouse, there are eleven disused windmills, mostly dating from the 18th century.

Two Churches

Javea is a different kettle of fish to its neighbour on the Costa Blanca, Benidorm. Actually I’ve not been to Benidorm so maybe it is a city of culture with architectural integrity.

Corner Shop

Doreen Fletcher has been recording the architectural history of the East End since the mid 1980s. She did this for her own pleasure and has only recently been “discovered”.