At Jacquemart-André

As you know, Charles Garnier won a competition to design the Opéra de Paris, rightly known today as the Palais Garnier. Henri Parent came second.


I have almost finished the biography of Churchill by Roy Jenkins. In a way I wish it were shorter, in a way I find it engrossing and in another way I find it induces post-prandial somnolence.

Silk Roads

Samarkand, spices, caravanserai, camels; we are on the Silk Road. So much more romantic then its modern manifestation: China’s Belt and Road project.

Hay Fever

Constable took trouble over The Hay Wain. He made a small sketch in oils and a full size sketch in oils. The former lives at The Yale Center and the latter in the V&A. Actually he did this for all his big landscapes.

Categorised as Art

Going Dutch

Bertie spent a large part of yesterday with Lucy and her dogs.

Categorised as Art

Archipelagic Void

South Korean architect, Minsuk Cho, has created Archipelagic Void outside The Serpentine Gallery in Kensington Gardens. I went to see it yesterday.