A Feather in His Cap

I confuse Aubusson and Audubon. You will know the former is a village in central France famous for the production of rugs – a French Axminster, if you will.

An Italian Job

This is a still life you might see in any gallery or hanging in a well-appointed kitchen today – even on the cover of a cookery book.

Categorised as Art


This Gainsborough portrait is far from his most famous and you may wonder why it was the coda of a recent post, Sudbury’s Son.

Sudbury’s Son

Reading about the re-opening of Gainsborough’s House after a three year renovation costing £9 million I reflected.

Categorised as Art

A King Penguin

If you associate heraldry with pomposity, snobbery, self aggrandisement and vanity this glorious cover should make you think again.