Pick and Mix

The young man at the newsagent caught Covid so The Times doesn’t get delivered until lunchtime, when his manager closes the shop and makes the deliveries himself.

Be Debonair

“You must never confuse genius with a bull market.” (An Englishman’s Commonplace Book, Roger Hudson)

Zoom Zoom Zoom

Ira Gershwin was prescient when he wrote these lyrics for the 1937 film, Shall We Dance. His brother George supplied the music and Fred Astaire and Dudley Dickerson  (I thought you’d need help with Dudley) did the rest.

Hither and Thither

The bone china plate in the centre is hand-painted. It refers to the title sequence at the beginning of Jeeves and Wooster, a television series on ITV shown at the end of the last century.

Don’t Try This at Home

Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency, of course if you don’t know what Bitcoin is you will not know what a cryptocurrency is; so let’s move on.

Categorised as Business

Barks & Sparks

During LoB (Life of Blog) I have espoused Emerging Markets, Vietnam and Japan as good places to invest.


Christmas quiz; what links Charles Saatchi, guest blogger Ned York and me? Here’s a picture clue.

Black Friday

I made a small purchase at a shop that does not observe Black Friday and has reassuringly high prices.

Hares and Rabbits

Pinch and a punch, it’s the first of the month. Wake up when Farming Today is on. That means before 6.00.