My Assets

Walking to Richmond last Friday, I had time to think about my portfolio and how it could be made less volatile while capturing most of my annual Capital Gains Tax allowance at the same time.

Categorised as Business

Sweet Memories

Forty-four years ago I rented a room in the house next door to my present home, where I have lived since 1984.

Pure Gold

  “Is this a book that you would even wish your wife or your servants to read?” (Mervyn Griffith-Jones, prosecuting Penguin under the Obscene Publications Act, 1959). I have seldom looked forward to a book so much. Further details when I have read it. Meanwhile, on another note, I spent an hour before lunch yesterday… Continue reading Pure Gold

An Old Dog

I’m an old dog but I’ve learnt a new trick, somewhat belatedly. I have an ISA and an account subject to taxation. I thought the former was doing better than the latter – and so it should as the income is re-invested and I make the maximum contribution every year.

Categorised as Business

A Matter of Interest

There will be plenty of time to applaud the custodians of my savings who have successfully adopted defensive strategies. I love the insouciance of Barclays; “you don’t need to do anything – the changes will happen automatically … “ A Business Premium Account seems singularly inappropriately named.

Drive & Live

To understand, “get”, the title you must pronounce “live” to rhyme with “jive” not “sieve”.  It’s the silliest idea since that opera performed in four helicopters that cropped up three years ago in A Flying Soloist. 

Objets Trouvé

When Bertie pounces on something that belongs to somebody else, he dances, prances and capers and I say sorry; but my heart isn’t in it; it’s an objet trouvé.