Sliced Bread

You may sometimes listen to Sliced Bread on Radio 4, I dip in occasionally.

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Laying a Nest Egg

If you are a UK tax payer at this time of year you are an Ethelred (unready), a Cincinnatus (prepared) or an ostrich.

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Palm Balm

I can remember when using natural cork as a wine bottle stopper was considered bad as cork forests were being destroyed. Cork oak trees, Quercus suber, are largely (more than 60%) grown in Portugal. Now sustainable forest management means real cork is an eco-friendly, sustainable crop, supporting livelihoods in Portugal and around the Mediterranean. Using… Continue reading Palm Balm

Local Politics

I suspect the quality of candidates prepared to get involved in local politics is unsatisfactory. In rural communities a paternal squire (he or she) may shoulder the burden.

Taxing Times

Rich people, as you know, don’t pay tax. In fact the richer they are the less tax they pay.

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Masters of the Universe

These are the last two books I read, although I only read the first thirty pages of Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day.


When I was on a Southern (aka Govia Thameslink Railway) train last week I wasn’t a passenger I was a “customer”.

Run for the Hills

When you hear “democratisation” run for the hills, a wise friend told me on Friday.

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A Matter of Interest

  Rarely could I find a FTSE 100 stock with a yield higher than its P/E ratio. When I did I invariably made money.

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