Buy The Bank

Gordon robbed us shareholders in Lloyds Bank when he persuaded Lloyds TSB (as it then was called) to buy HBOS in 2008. That led to some £20 billion of government (taxpayers) money being injected into the   enlarged bank to keep it solvent. Now George is giving us a chance to get some of our… Continue reading Buy The Bank

Categorised as Business

Cheap Lane

Some of the best things in life are free, others cost much less than the pleasure they provide. The reverse is also true. Does an expensive car, house or holiday really give value for money?

66 Mark Lane

My life in the City began on the first Monday in August 1976 and looks as if it ended at 5.00 pm on the first Monday in August this year, 39 years later.

A Matter of Interest

Are you feeling, like me, that your shares haven’t being doing much for a while? A few are up, quite a few down, at best “flat lining”.

Categorised as Business

Nudge, Nudge

The Nudge Unit has been around since the 1990s and is now grandly called The Behavioural Insights Team. It has subtly and cheaply influenced my behaviour this week.


There is a curved wall at Barmeath where the height of children is recorded and on the opposite wall of visitors thought to be of interest. Amongst the latter I remember Sir Denys Lowson, Lord Mayor of London in 1950/51 and rather a tall chap as his picture, above, shows.

Lucky Strike

Napoleon would approve of David Cameron – he’s lucky, and nowhere more so than over fracking.