A Big Bet

In the summer of 2006 Warren Buffett challenged a hedge fund manager to outperform a tracker fund over a ten year period.

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The Big Picture

I have found some new features on my broker’s website and this is among the most cheering.

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Murray Mints

  On Saturday Robert takes Bertie to Richmond Park; other suburbians in west London go to the supermarket, wash the car or simply have a cup of coffee and read the papers.

Money in the Bank

Not too bad; up 3% in the last three months and 13% year to date. The MSCI world index was unchanged in the last three months so I’m ahead of the posse.

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Crisp Road

Crisp Road runs parallel to the river on the north side, one block away, on the site of the original Brandenburgh House.

A Perfect Storm?

“A perfect storm is an unusual combination of events or things that produce an unusually bad or powerful result.” (Collins Dictionary)

Palmy Days

I seldom trade but when I do feel I should inform you, lest you are left holding shares in a company that wags its tail and barks.

Categorised as Business