Palmy Days

I seldom trade but when I do feel I should inform you, lest you are left holding shares in a company that wags its tail and barks.

Categorised as Business


The elephants in the Green Park have company. I saw Luna this week.

A Curate’s Egg

My performance for the second quarter of 2021 arrived last week and I’m giving myself a small pat on the back.

Categorised as Business


How much do I outsource and how much does it cost?

Categorised as Business


Many years ago I was instinctively anti hare-coursing. It seemed cruel to kill hares as a sport and there was plenty of polemic literature to reinforce my prejudice.

Best Friends?

The bond between Churchill and Roosevelt is often cited in histories of the war.


I’ve set myself a challenge; to explain to myself and with luck you how securitisation works in banking and finance.

Categorised as Business