Blue Mist

Next time I watch Lawrence of Arabia I will pay more attention to the armoured car. It’s a replica in David Lean’s film.

No Business Like Snow Business

Yesterday morning is the first time Bertie has seen snow. Beagles are inquisitive and he marvelled at this phenomenon, although it didn’t take him long to work out it was best appreciated standing under the garden table.

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Hither and Thither

The bone china plate in the centre is hand-painted. It refers to the title sequence at the beginning of Jeeves and Wooster, a television series on ITV shown at the end of the last century.

For Richer for Poorer

When Edward Bellew married Augusta Bryan in 1853 it brought two old, landed Catholic families together; one rich the other stupendously rich.

Every Blog Needs a Dog

Every Blog Needs a Dog is an old post, dating back to August 2015 and, as you know, it wasn’t until last year that this blog got its own dog. He was very pleased to see us yesterday; so excited that his blood pressure shot up and he started bleeding again; don’t ask from which… Continue reading Every Blog Needs a Dog

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Barks & Sparks

During LoB (Life of Blog) I have espoused Emerging Markets, Vietnam and Japan as good places to invest.


The Royal Veterinary College was founded in 1791 by William Penn’s grandson.

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A Preview of Bertie’s Diary

  I was given a present this morning. It was a chilly, park bench meeting supervised by an inordinately high number of Hammersmith and Fulham staff in high viz vests.

Bertie Bounces Back

If I’d been stabbed at 11.15 am yesterday morning, a Bank Holiday in the UK, I would have gone to A&E and, after triage, eventually been treated. I’m not complaining; it’s a “free” service always under pressure.

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