The Big Shave

Yesterday, on a rainy Saturday afternoon in London, I went to see Martin Scorsese’s latest at the very comfy cinema within the Riverside Studios.

Gold Run

I remember enjoying the 1995 film version of Richard III with Ian McKellen as the Duke of Gloucester, later the eponymous king.

Winter in Madrid

CJ Sansom is an author who has found his metier writing historical whodunnit mysteries set in Tudor England with Shardlake as his hunchback lawyer hero. Maybe he chose a lawyer as before he became a full time author he practised as a solicitor.

Meet the Pallisers

I saw The Rocky Horror Show at a theatre in the King’s Road (possibly The Royal Court) in the 1970s and was taken by surprise when the audience were mostly in costume and participated in the show – I remember lots of rice being chucked in a wedding scene.