The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore

It was Gordon Brown, I think, who said that the time to fix the roof is when the sun’s shining. What a load of cobblers politicians, who have usually never done a day’s work in their lives, talk.

War Artists

Francis Plowden comments that a picture of HMS Glorious (see Sea Eagles and Hurricanes) can be seen at the Dulwich Picture Gallery until the end of this month.

Categorised as Art, History

‘Planes and a Ship

“Tombé, tombé, tombé”, the band sing and children happily obey, hopping up and down in their wet weather gear on a drizzly Thursday morning in Brodø

Every Blog Needs a Dog

Bodø is as far north as Norwegian railway (NSB) goes. The train will cross the Arctic Circle. Will the backpackers on the train celebrate the event as if it were the Equator? Let’s see.

The 5th of August

I will find it hard to keep your attention on matters Norwegian in early August. Like Ping, Pang and Pong in Turandot your thoughts will be turning to getting back to your country estates and bagging a few grouse.


The Norwegians have been our staunch allies, not least in the Second World War, and the Out party in the EU Referendum will suggest we join them, outside the EU and outside the eurozone. 

Categorised as History

Nombre de Vingt-Quatre

Last weekend BBC Radio 4 broadcast Air-Force One a play about the events immediately after John F Kennedy’s assassination on 22nd November, 1963. If you are my age you will remember where you were when you heard the news.