I find it some consolation that whatever indignities the Catholic Church has suffered in recent years, it retains its pre-eminence in the art of casuistry. (Letter in The Times from Sir Richard Stagg about the Prime Minister’s marriage at Westminster Cathedral) 10th September 2012. The idea of His Blondness with a finger on the nuclear button… Continue reading June Gleanings
Category: Literature
A Dolls’ House
The Quest Continues
The Quest
Malice in Wonderland
Courage Never to Submit
Sasha’s Diary
May Gleanings
Happy the man, whose wish and care A few paternal acres bound, Content to breathe his native air In his own ground. (Ode on Solitude, Alexander Pope) At the age of eleven or thereabouts women acquire a poise and an ability to handle difficult situations which a man, if he is lucky, manages to achieve… Continue reading May Gleanings