I wonder how can I make my posts more interesting? Blog readers like something seasonal, so how about mistletoe at Cranford Park instead of mulled wine?
I’ve succumbed to temptation and taken out a subscription to Slightly Foxed, The Real Reader’s Quarterly. I used to read it in the library at my club but newspapers and magazines are too toxic for members to handle these days.
Last month I alluded to two new “Bonking Biogs” and human nature being what it is, read the shorter of the two first: Gimcrack, A Rake’s Progress by Tony Scotland.
Only an experienced investor who has been trading for fifty-one years could lose almost half their capital in ten days. That’s what I have done and my friends who mistakenly look upon me as a financial guru should take note.
There are too many new books, films, television programmes for anyone to do more than skim. Yesterday I watched the first episode of Schitt’s Creek because it has just won a record-breaking seven Emmys.