True to Both My Selves

When I was at school and university in England I felt Irish when I was there and English when I was in Ireland. My identity confusion was nothing like that experienced by Katrin FitzHerbert and her family in the 20th century.

Beasts and Super-Beasts

In 1914, HH Munro, better known by his pen name Saki, published a collection of short stories, Beasts and Super-Beasts. The title parodies Man and Superman by GBS. Some of the stories are well known but you may not have read, or have forgotten, The Unkindest Blow.

Categorised as Literature


Five years ago I wrote a post about an early novel by John le Carré: A Murder Of Quality.

Categorised as Literature

Wayland’s Smithy

Over nearly nine years (life of blog) there have been visits to Neolithic sites in Wiltshire, Malta and Moldova, reminiscences of visits to Newgrange and other sites in the Boyne valley and a Guest Blog about stone circles in Eskdale.

Bohemian Birthday

On this day in 1824 Bedřich Smetana was born. To mark the bicentenary of his birth he was the subject of Composer of the Week on BBC Radio 3.

Categorised as Literature