Crab Apple

I lodged next door for a year in 1976 but I cannot remember if it was there. It was certainly there when I bought this house in 1984, 41 years ago.

Rare Breeds

Pig–Hoo-o-o-o-ey Last year in Wiltshire I met a Tamworth. This year at my club Tamworth sausages were on the menu. As you know, the best way to ensure the survival of a rare breed is to eat it.

Categorised as Local, Nature

La Dame aux Camélias

I saw a camellia in bud at Chiswick House today and thought of Violetta, Verdi and La traviata.

Categorised as Local, Nature

On A Clear Day

It’s grand to be in London on a cold, dry, sunny December day when the air is gin clear. There may be a bit of pollution but it’s invisible unlike the pea-soupers in Holmes’s London and World War Two.

My Faithful Friend

Vecchia Zimarra is an aria in Act IV of La bohème in which Colline (bass) sings farewell to his old coat. He is going to sell it to buy medicine for the dying Mimi.

Rise Up

“Honoré-Victorin Daumier was a French painter, sculptor, and printmaker, whose many works offer commentary on the social and political life in France, from the Revolution of 1830 to the fall of the second Napoleonic Empire in 1870.” (Wikipedia)

News from the ‘Hood

Morrisons bought some of McColl’s branches out of liquidation in 2022 and have rebranded them Morrisons Daily, including the Barons Court branch. I haven’t been in yet but hope there will be some Morrisons ready meals on the shelves. Not the crap McColl’s used to stock to sell to students.

General Kerrich

“Here Lies Buried General Walter D’Oyly Kerrich, Colonel Commandant Royal Late Madras Artillery, Eldest son of Thomas Kerrich Esquire, Died 27th January 1911.”

Forty Years On

If you walk into the study on the ground floor at Barmeath there is a black Bakelite switch inside the door.