A Matter of Interest

There will be plenty of time to applaud the custodians of my savings who have successfully adopted defensive strategies. I love the insouciance of Barclays; “you don’t need to do anything – the changes will happen automatically … “ A Business Premium Account seems singularly inappropriately named.

Nature Notes

No sign of swifts over London but the Red Arrows did fly past this morning and I glimpsed a woodpecker on Wimbledon Common. When I was a child thrushes were common but I’ve only just realised they are rarer these days.

Drive & Live

To understand, “get”, the title you must pronounce “live” to rhyme with “jive” not “sieve”.  It’s the silliest idea since that opera performed in four helicopters that cropped up three years ago in A Flying Soloist. 

Coronavirus Chronicle V

I planted a wisteria Floribunda Alba four years ago. It’s doing well but refuses to flower so instead of the above display I have this.

Silver Lining

On Monday Bertie and I drove to Richmond Park. The park is closed to traffic; pedestrians and cyclists are cautioned to keep well apart and not meet in groups. This was largely observed. Incidentally, the roads outside the park are the only ones south of the Humber that have free parking.

Categorised as Nature

Midnight in Minsk

y Every Picture Tells a Story Sveltana Alexievich has a flat in this apartment building. She knows how to tell a story. She has written about the Second World War, sorry The Great Patriotic War, the war in Afghanistan and Chernobyl. Her technique is to interview people and tell the story through their words. This… Continue reading Midnight in Minsk

Thank You, Plum

September was a good month for Wodehousians. On the 20th we assembled in Westminster Abbey for Evensong and then, in a state of Grace but not Monaco, the Duke of Kent presented a memorial to PGW to the Dean, who dedicated it.

Flora and Fauna

There seems to be a new trend in environmental management in Richmond Park and on Wimbledon Common.

Categorised as Local, Nature