If Gilbert White could do it so can I. If you visit a nature reserve there are hides for observation. I have got in on the act.
Category: Nature
Ban Driven Grouse Shooting
Yellow Menace
Two holders of the Victoria Cross are buried in Margravine Cemetery, see Local Hero and Another Local Hero. There are other war memorials including a column for staff at J Lyons killed in The Great War and a curved wall naming those those killed on the Home Front in WW II. The Lyons memorial was… Continue reading Yellow Menace
Local News
A Walk in the Park
G is for Goshawk
In Memoriam
This is a verse from Tennyson’s In Memoriam A.H.H. Who trusted God was love indeed And love Creation’s final law Tho’ Nature, red in tooth and claw With ravine, shriek’d against his creed I haven’t entirely unraveled what it means. Poetry can be tricky to interpret but perhaps it’s relevant to the recent installation of… Continue reading In Memoriam
Le Patron Mange Ici … Non?
Hotels are required to have restaurants and they used to be great places to dine well and quite cheaply. These days they hand their dining rooms over to celebrity chefs – so it’s no bargain. How often a celeb chef sets a foot in “his” dining room, let alone the kitchen, is a moot point.… Continue reading Le Patron Mange Ici … Non?