The Dragon Book of Verse was first published in 1935. The introduction to my (1937) edition was the property of Leighton Park School in Reading; a Quaker school founded in 1890. The Introduction explains that it is divided into two Books.
Category: PG Wodehouse
A Good Gossip
High Treason
Is it too soon to digress? Don’t muddle High Toast with High Treason; the former an agreeably astringent snuff but the latter is also to be taken seriously. In ‘the good old days’, the existence of which is very doubtful, the usual punishment for dabbling in the latter was hanging, drawing and quartering.
Lush Places
All About The Income Tax
An agreeable aspect of living in New York in 1983 was not paying UK tax. I was not there long enough to be liable to US tax either. By 1989, when I was in Singapore, this tax holiday had been abolished. I would have had to stay for more than a year. Worse, the Singapore… Continue reading All About The Income Tax