Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth Few politicians’ speeches are so well remembered and so often plundered as those of Churchill in the war.
Death’s Sting Some hymns repay reading aloud, in full, with time to reflect. Henry Francis Lyte wrote this as he was dying of tuberculosis in 1847.
The Elphi I went to visit sugar and oil traders in Hamburg a few times over the years, unfortunately before the Elphi opened in 2017.
Cavafy and Hockney Hockney was in his early twenties when he made a series of paintings and etchings inspired by CP Cavafy’s poetry.
Ithaka “A service of thanksgiving for the life of King Constantine of the Hellenes was held on Tuesday February 27, 2024, at 11am in St George’s Chapel, Windsor.” (The Times)
At The End of The Year I hadn’t heard of John O’Donohue until I heard his At The End of The Year on Radio 4 this morning.