Church Lit A conscientious author would conclude such an enormous subject can only be done justice in two volumes and then by just touching on the important bits.
A Hound of Extraordinary Sagacity The upper cascade, surmounted by Venus and flanked by swans, is barely visible from here.
Squeeze the Rich until the Pips Squeak. I’m writing a gripping history of taxation, “From Boston Tea Party to Poll Tax Riots”. It will not be a best seller.
October Gleanings A life is made up of a great number of small incidents and a small number of great ones. (Going Solo, Roald Dahl)
The Pearl is the Oyster’s Autobiography When I had crevettes recently I mentioned they used to be called Dublin Bay prawns. Actually I was wrong. Langoustine are called Dublin Bay prawns.
July Gleanings “My dear Rick, when will you realize that in this world today isolationism is no longer a practical policy?” (Casablanca)