Soft Power

Seems like yesterday but it was five years ago, January 2016, when I wrote about Soft Power.

Categorised as Politics

He Chose David

Duff Cooper was tremendously productive. His duties as British Ambassador in France exceeded the demands placed on diplomats today.

Murder Most Foul

I have met Lord Butler more than once, actually only twice. When I sat beside him after dinner on High Table at University College, Oxford, where at the time he was Master, he told me the apogee of his career was the Good Friday Agreement. He was Cabinet Secretary then.


I wonder if Pravda would publish such an extensive and sympathetic obituary of a Russian double agent? I think not and that is what George Blake didn’t understand.

Categorised as Politics


Resistance is Owen Sheers’ first novel, published in 1999. Whether his MA from the University of East Anglia in Creative Writing was helpful is debatable. Teaching Creative Writing is oxymoronic – omit first three letters if you wish.