Put Out More Flags

Does this remind you of anything? I Claudius?

It’s something I don’t do until after the Ides of March. It is satisfying and a harbinger of lunches in the garden. This peculiar year I did it yesterday in readiness for a partial lockdown release at the end of March. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers (and sisters) but only six, can meet again long before St Crispin’s Day (25th October) on 29th March.

Meanwhile what about devolution? In Northern Ireland every rule has been broken. The Province is allowed to vote by Proportional Representation and is on the fence half in, half out of the EU and there’s a lot of stuff brushed under the carpet and hidden behind the sofa. It’s a nonsense but it seems to suit the politicians. They get salaries and Jags.

Now Scotland is washing its dirty linen. The lack of checks and balances is startling in a newly-minted, devolved administration. How Britain dismembered its empire is not a role model for gralloching the United Kingdom in the 21st century.

On a sunnier note, I’m pleased that The Times do not apply their new editorial rule to Her Majesty. After one mention the Duke of Edinburgh is Philip; Her Majesty retains her status as The Queen. However, in two editorials today they break their own silly rule, calling George Osborne Mr Osborne when he is referred to again, in one instance.

Meanwhile the College of Arms send flag-flying days for March.

  • 1 March St David’s Day (Wales only)
  • 10 March Birthday of the Earl of Wessex
  • 8 March Commonwealth Day
  • 17 March St. Patrick’s Day (Northern Ireland only)
  • 25 March The Annunciation

The last is my own addition. This month flags flew to mark the Duke of York’s birthday. They will not fly on the birthdays of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex unless they have a flagpole in their Californian garden.