This Is No Ordinary Time

“We cannot tell from day to day what may come. This is no ordinary time. No time for weighing anything except what we can do best for the country as a whole, and that responsibility rests on each and every one of us as individuals.”

Franklin and Winston

Reading Doris Kearns Goodwin’s magisterial (no other word could do it justice) No Ordinary Time, I am struck by the similarities and differences between Franklin and Winston during the war.

Cork and Orrery

In September 1941 after supper at the White House, “a jolly party”, Franklin Roosevelt asked his guests to name four outstanding leaders. Eleanor chose: Anne Hutchinson, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Emily Dickinson and Carrie Chapman Catt. Franklin nominated: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt and the Earl of Orrery.

Corrections and Clarifications

It has been pointed out that the caption to this picture is inaccurate. As the picture was published in The Daily Mail it comes as no surprise. Hugo Sire should be Sir Hugo Swire (two mistakes, a double fault), Margaret Thatcher should be Lady Thatcher and Lady Miloska Nott should be Lady Nott. Only the fragrant… Continue reading Corrections and Clarifications

Categorised as Politics

A Yankee at the Court of Queen Elizabeth

You may be aware there will be an election in the United States in November. It’s a mugs‘ game predicting elections, except in Belarus. But Ned York, who forecast an H Clinton win four years ago and was sent to the dog house, has a thoughtful take on this year’s tussle.

Sweetness and Light

“The pursuit of perfection, then, is the pursuit of sweetness and light … He who works for sweetness and light united, works to make reason and the will of God prevail.“ (Culture and Anarchy, 1869, Matthew Arnold)

A Special Relationship

I once played Piquet, an elegant card game with a scoring system as readily learnt as Real Tennis. Churchill in later life played a lot of Bezique especially when he was Prime Minister in his last term, 1951 – 1955. Franklin Roosevelt favoured Poker during his second and third terms in office.

Democracy Matters

As you probably know, there will be a presidential election in the United States on the first Tuesday after 1st November. Four years ago my friend Ned misread the runes. He’s more than welcome to have another go this year. 

Categorised as Politics

Passport to Hammersmith

The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham will shortly be enforcing restrictions on non-EU citizens entering the borough. The borough does not accept the UK’s secedance from the EU. It’s not clear if they respect the right of UK citizens to live in the borough but as the holder of an Irish passport I should… Continue reading Passport to Hammersmith