Putting on the Heat

What on earth am I supposed to do? I have been deprived of complaining about the London weather for weeks. I have been having cold soups, salads, gallons of rosé – I hope EJ Murgatroyd isn’t reading today – and fortunately there is AC in my attic bedroom.

Categorised as Politics

I Told You So

Two years ago I told you so. Read Yellow Menace, one of my favourite posts from July 2016. A bit of Barmeath, a bit of Barons Court and a great number filmed on the Thames at the end.

On Behalf of Her Majesty …

Here they are and who is welcoming them? The media say Liam Fox (by name by nature), Secretary of State for International Trade. The media undermines the Constitution of the United Kingdom.

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Boris Balls

If you are unsure if we should Remain in or Leave the EU this paragraph from Boris Johnson’s resignation letter might help you make your mind up.

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Hot News

There’s been so much happening in London that I must take a break from Kyrgyzstan. I was doing the drying up in the kitchen and for the first time spotted Eddie Redmayne.

Asian Waters

The Spratly Islands have been off the agenda here since June 2016. On Thursday evening Humphrey Hawksley’s Asian Waters was launched in London.

Categorised as Politics

Match Point

The EU Withdrawal Bill is proving a contentious piece of legislation. The Peers are flexing their pecs, making amendments to give the Commons a greater say on the outcome of the negotiations with the EU. The Bill shuttles between the two Chambers in a process known as Parliamentary ping-pong.

The Mighty Fallen

Last month I quoted at some length the Trial and acquital of Francis Bellew. Forty years ago I was up before the beak myself on trivial charges – a case I will tell you about when the time is ripe. Today I’m musing on a quotation from the Second Book of Samuel: “how art the… Continue reading The Mighty Fallen

A Swift Solution

Very broadly, membership of the EU has been bad for fishermen but rather good for farmers, financial services and some manufacturers (especially motor car manufacturers and the aeronautical sector) but what impact has it had on me?

Categorised as Politics