The British are at heart isolationist while our leaders are strategists who see the benefit of alliances with almost anybody. I’m no historian but any fule can see we have fought against and subsequently fought alongside almost every country in Europe (and the United States). And then there’s Russia …
Category: Politics
Yes to Europe
Our collective memory of the 2016 referendum is emerging: voters were not told by either side the pros and cons of membership of the EU. Our collective memory of the 1975 referendum is that voters were deceived into voting for a Common Market and were kept in the dark about ever-closer economic and political union.
Question is whether Iran deal can last even 10 years
Local Notes
Russian Election
Robert Herrick
Aunts Aren’t Gentlemen is PG Wodehouse’s last complete novel, published in 1974, a year before he died aged ninety-three. At an age when his creative juices might be expected to dry up, it is right up to his usual high standard. If you want to know why Bertie Wooster is mistaken for arch-criminal Alpine Joe… Continue reading Robert Herrick