Tumbril Talk – Part One

Six political parties in the UK are led by women (pedantically five 1/2); none so far as I know in the US. However, there have been women who have carried considerable influence in American politics and none more so than Alice Roosevelt Longworth.

The Law of Unintended Consequences

The Law of Unintended Consequences is a pervasive tyranny that we live under. Governments raise tax rates and raise less revenue. In the UK there is a 5p charge for plastic bags so people buy big, strong plastic “bags for life” that get thrown away – you get the idea?

Categorised as Politics

What Brexit Means, Everything You Need to Know

The CEO of Rolls-Royce made a fleeting appearance here a few months ago and was dubbed a Super Good Egg. The news spread (not far) and I’ve heard his wife sometimes calls him an SGE. Well, I like to keep an eye on SGEs to make sure they are staying up to the mark.

Plane, Train or Slow Lane?

I haven’t ridden my Brompton bike for years. I say this is a safety play as I don’t want to be squashed under a lorry. This happened to me on Hyde Park Corner in the 1970s and I don’t want a repeat. You may say I’m lazy.

Alec and Dicky

An astonishing story was told over dinner a couple of evenings ago and you may find it interesting. Cast your mind back to Richard Nixon’s Presidency.

Democratic Deficit

Two-party politics? Dead or alive? Labour – banana split, Republicans – cookies, Democrats –  another helping of banana split. Conservatives managed to avoid an Eton Mess.

Categorised as Politics

Key of the Door

It’s not a very clear picture because of Getty Images wanting to establish their ownership. Here is a better one taken of the same person in the same place as a grown-up: so grown-up that he is Prime Minister. If you have politically prococious offspring and want a photo like the top one there are… Continue reading Key of the Door

Categorised as Politics

Unpaid Workers

Politicians try to endear themselves to the electorate, in a democracy, by promising to crack-down on something that they think will please voters. Theresa May is no exception. She opened the batting with a call for workers to be represented in the boardroom and for curbs on directors’ pay. Admirable sentiments that remind me of… Continue reading Unpaid Workers

The Blues

It’s summertime, the weather in London is fine and everything in the garden is looking good; a sea of blue agapanthus against a backdrop of white jasmine. Yet I have never felt so uneasy about life.

Categorised as Politics