Crossing the Line

French researchers have made a study of behaviour at pedestrian crossings controlled by lights. They observed 5,445 people at crossings in Strasbourg and Nagoya (Japan).

Categorised as Psychology

Strictly Social

Robert says that I have a habit of going up to complete strangers and then rambling on about nothing for ages. There is some teeny-weeny truth in this but it does often provide background that adds to the pleasure of a walk, for instance. Of course in London I’d never dream of doing such a… Continue reading Strictly Social

Bruce’s Black Dog

Bruce Springsteen was on Desert Island Discs yesterday. I knew very little about him so found the interview interesting. He spent a lot of time chuckling and being self-deprecating, both attractive traits. He also spoke about bouts of depression he has suffered.

Under Par

To play a round of golf below par is one thing but to feel below par is another and it is the latter that has dried up my creative juices today. With a bit of luck I will feel better tomorrow. I did want to tell you about Tumbril Talk but my heart isn’t in… Continue reading Under Par

Categorised as Psychology

David Cameron is My Dentist

Do you have a phobia? I’m a bit scared of heights but so are many other people. Robert is terrified of spiders. A bit off-message but I had a dream a few nights ago in which the Prime Minister was X-raying my teeth. He impressed me by calling me Christopher, not Chris, he didn’t put on… Continue reading David Cameron is My Dentist

Categorised as Psychology

Blog Fatigue

Even a Duracell Bunny blogger’s batteries run flat and after more than 100 daily posts I am taking a breather. Posts will resume soon. If you register your e mail address in the field at the top of this page you will get an e mail when there’s a new post. When I was posting… Continue reading Blog Fatigue

Categorised as Psychology